The experience of the Georgian Agriculture Coordination Group

Historically Georgia was an a very
productive country, with an extremely good quality production and a long
tradition of diversification and marketing. All that was dilapidated during the
collapse of the Soviet Union, and the subsequent administrations did not pay
any real attention to re-build the sector.
In 2016 the agriculture sector in
Georgia is growing at high speed (faster that the economy as a whole); modern
agriculture cooperatives and small business are booming; agriculture exports
are expanding; European-like modern food safety and consumers’ rights standards
have been developed and, more importantly, a sense of hope is back to the rural
This Copernican change has happened
for many reasons, but, without question, the most important driver has been the
political will by the State and the society to bring impetus to the sector,
putting forward a strategic long-term vision and investing substantial
resources for the sector development.
During those dark days when the
policy makers were not putting any attention to the problems of the farmers, a
small group of highly motivated development experts and agriculture
practitioners from different organisations (national and international NGOs,
academic institutions, farmer groups, State agencies…) started meeting
regularly, under the informal facilitation of the European Union and the FAO.
They decided to join efforts in finding ways to change the policies that were
impeding the small farmers to gain economies of scale and reach the
markets. The members of this loose
alliance agreed to advocate jointly for the enactment of an agriculture
cooperatives law, which could remove the fiscal and other disincentives that
were in place for farmers to sale together and pool production resources, and
would support the establishment of business-oriented farmer groups that could
be the trigger to revitalise the sector.
After few months since the first
meeting, the alliance, called the Agriculture
Coordination Group, was pooling some 40 organisations. Specific working sub-groups
were created, as well as a data base of publications and various others
information and coordination tools. Still, the alliance kept its informal
structure, which let it operate in a very flexible and efficient manner.
During the plenary meetings,
in-depth discussions on policy and technical topics were conducted, research
papers and projects’ plans and activities presented. The participants were
extremely diverse, and range from diplomats and donor agencies staff, to university
food safety and nutrition specialists, environmentalists, farmers’ leaders, NGOs’
field staff, heads of units of the ministry of agriculture…and many more.

All that joint and coherent efforts work
out well. In a few months the tide begun to change. The media start discussing
the problems of the agriculture sector, and some politicians, including the
president, began also to realise that something should be done to help small
farmers engage in the market economy and to alleviate rural poverty. For the
first time in 15 years the budget of the ministry of agriculture augmented. A
sector strategy started to be prepared (with inputs from the Agriculture Coordination Group) and the draft law on farmers’ cooperatives
was introduced for discussion in the Parliament. Still, all those activities by
the Administration were largely perceived as too little, and too late.
Presidential elections were coming. The
members of the Agriculture Coordination Group worked with all the running parties,
helping them to understand the food security and agriculture problems that the
country was facing and putting forward concrete proposals to address them.
A new administration went to power
after election in 2013. The new government decided to make agriculture a top
priority for the country socioeconomic development. The Ministry of Agriculture
under the lead of bright and committed leadership, was on top of all the sector
reforms. The law on cooperatives was approved, and that was just the first
amongst a battery of ambitious reform measures, which included also the approval
of the agriculture sector strategy and action plan, the enactment of the food safety
law, the creation of an Agriculture Cooperatives Agency, the establishment of advisory centres for the
farmers’ in all the districts of the country or the re-establishment of food
control systems. All these processes were coached and supported by the
Agriculture Coordination Group and its working subgroups.
Eventually, and due to this intense
constant interrelation amongst the members of the Agriculture Coordination
Group, a sense of being members of a ‘family’ emerged (with all the good times
together and also the difficulties amongst members that a family may
encounter!) despite the different backgrounds of each member organisations and
sometimes the different views and opinions.
Some purpose-specific new forms of
collaboration arose, like off-springs from the mother root that the Agriculture
Coordination Group was. For instance, CARE stablished a partnership with the
Georgian Farmer’s Association (GFA), the International School of Economics of
the Tbilisi State University (ISET) and the Regional Development Association
(RDA), all of them members’ of the Group, for conducting joint project
activities and specific advocacy measures; the Georgian Alliance for Agriculture
and Rural Development (GAARD), was also created as a derivate of the Agriculture
Coordination Group, chaired by Oxfam and composed by all the national and
international NGOs working in agriculture and rural development.
The snow-ball effect prompted by the
Agriculture Coordination group and by the impetus in the Ministry of Agriculture
is still running on, with promising developments in many directions: Foreign investment
is back to Georgian agriculture, due to the new confidence in the sector; sanitary
controls are now enforced, and new rural development policies have been framed
are now piloted; a seed certification system has been launched…
For those familiar with the desolate
stage of the agriculture and food sector in Georgia not so long ago, its seems
almost unbelievable what is going on right now. As a local media put it once,
agriculture in Georgia was Cinderella and now is the Princess. Of course, there
is still a long way ahead, but the sector is back on track and there is no way
The Agriculture Coordination Group played a key role triggering many of these changes. But, even more important than the measurable deliverables that the alliance and its members help to reached (more production, better yields…), the main legacy, perhaps, was and still is, the profound conviction that real change only happen when those motivated to change the reality for better, work hand-to-hand, joining forces in the same direction.
The Agriculture Coordination Group played a key role triggering many of these changes. But, even more important than the measurable deliverables that the alliance and its members help to reached (more production, better yields…), the main legacy, perhaps, was and still is, the profound conviction that real change only happen when those motivated to change the reality for better, work hand-to-hand, joining forces in the same direction.