viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016
jueves, 11 de febrero de 2016
Beyond Venezuela
Poverty reduction and social cohesion go hand to hand, and social cohesion can only be achieved if the poor are empowered.
In the case of Latin America (LA), for instance, arguably one of the many reasons to explain the sharp decline of poverty in recent years is the expansion of democracy and the replacement of oligarchic political regimens by more inclusive governments, elected in free elections, with strong pro poor orientation and progressive policies.
There is a direct correlation between these kind of political changes in some LA countries (such as Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Ecuador, for instance) and astounding results in terms of poverty reduction reached there, whereas in countries where the elite continues running the show, such as Guatemala or Paraguay, poverty remains stagnant.
Venezuela is NOT an example case of the situation I am describing here when referring to the expansion of democracy and inclusive growth. Some pro-poor policies have been implemented there, but also gross violations of human rights, social fractures and a messy way to run the economy have characterized the Chaves/Maduro regime.

These positive news, however, rarely make headlines in El Pais and other mainstream newsletters, utterly obsessed with the Venezuelan case.

Inclusive democracy, also called social democracy, was, during decades, the running force behind the massive expansion of the middle class in Europe, and is now doing the same in several LA nations. Our despondent media, however, are unable to see the historical dimension of this transformation…the Venezuelan tragicomedy keeps the neoliberal pundits and their media allies busy…while a new reality, where people is empowered, where the color of your skin is not anymore cause of social deprivation, and where the masses finally can start to access affordable education and health, is finally emerging in many other nations of that amazing continent.
América Latina,
lunes, 8 de febrero de 2016
martes, 2 de febrero de 2016
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Enlaces y desenlaces
- Articulo sobre los cultivos transgénicos, El País, 2016
- Entrevista en el Georgian Journal, 2015
- Viñetas didácticas sobre agricultura, 2014
- Condecoracion con la Orden del Toisón de Oro, Georgia, 2015
- Articulo de la FAO, 2009
- Entrevista despues del huracan Katrina, Filipinas, 2009
- Articulo sobre cambio climático y bosques, Filipinas, 2009
- Recuento de cooperantes en el mundo, ACP, 2005
- Articulo sobre Palestina en El Pais, 2001
- Articulo sobre Guatemala, 1997
- Breve sobre guerra de Los Balcanes, El País, 1995